[translate] 这一点,更具体的你让你的假设,更好。可能你不仅可以使用更强大的统计数据,但你会从事什么是所谓的确证性研究结果,而不是什么是所谓的探索性研究,的。您的主题先前已被别人研究,更多的则是预计您将使用确证性研究结果。在以前未知领域,探索性的研究只用于,或由那些真的不知道任何有关他们的话题。你会注意到,上面的例子包含前面的例子中的所有元素,所以你可以一直下降到一个不太严格的假说,但你不能或不应该向上移动到一个更具体的你已经做你的研究。此外,零假设,仍然没有差异未说明或暗示,无论多么复杂您其他的(所谓的替代)假设得到。从技术上说,所有的统计测试,测试的零假设,第一,这是赞成的替代品的信任度拒绝。
The point is that the more specific you make your hypotheses, the better. Not only may you be able to use more powerful statistics, but you will be engaging in what is called confirmatory research, instead of what is called exploratory research. The more your topic has been previously researched by
The point is that the more specific you make your hypotheses, the better. Not only may you be able to use more powerful statistics, but you will be engaging in what is called confirmatory research, instead of what is called exploratory research. The more your topic has been previously researched by
The point is that the more specific you make your hypotheses, the better. Not only may you be able to use more powerful statistics, but you will be engaging in what is called confirmatory research, instead of what is called exploratory research. The more your topic has been previously researched by