[translate] My bedroom with a bed and a desk. A bookcase. A chair next to a flower bed in the bed next to the desk bookcase beside the desk with a desk top computer and a lamp
My bedroom has a bed and a desk. a bookcase. a chair next to the bed of a potted desk bookcase next to the desk next to the bed above the desk has a computer and a lamp
My bedroom has a bed and desk 0.1 book shelf 0.1 chair bed side has a potted flower desk to have a computer and a desk lamp in the bed side book shelf above the desk side desk
My bedroom has a bed and a desk1a bookcase1chairs beside the bed with a pot of flowers beside the desk in the bed next to the bookcase at a desk top computer desk and a lamp
My bedroom has a bed and a desk. a bookcase. a chair next to the bed of a potted desk bookcase next to the desk next to the bed above the desk has a computer and a lamp