[translate] 替换文本或字符串,存储在一个表的翻译,通常计算机的磁盘驱动器上存储的文件。表中包含X = Y语句(如“世界你好”=“HOLA世界报”)名单。
by replacing texts, or strings, with translations that are stored in a table, usually a file stored on a computer's disk drive. The table contains a list of x=y statements (e.g. "hello world" = "hola mundo").
by replacing texts, or strings, with translations that are stored in a table, usually a file stored on a computer's disk drive. The table contains a list of x=y statements (e.g. “hello world” = “hola mundo”).
By replacing texts, with translations, or strings that are stored in a table, usually a file stored on a computer s disk drive ' table contains The . A list of x=y statements (E .g . "Hello World" = "hola mundo" ).
by replacing texts, or strings, with translations that are stored in a table, usually a file stored on a computer's disk drive. The table contains a list of x=y statements (e.g. "hello world" = "hola mundo").