[translate] Have you heard of "love"? Boys and girls do not know 'knowledge after the introduction of both parents or relatives' If you have a crush with each other 'become friends' and then married
Have you heard of "blind date"? Boys and girls do not know ' introduced by both parents or loved ones ' if favor each other ' friends ' and then get married
You had heard " is on intimate terms "? The boy and the girl did not know ' knew ' after the bilateral parents or family member's introduction if each other has favorable impression ' to become the friend ' then marriage
Have you ever heard "matchmaking"? Both boys and girls do not know 'after the parents or loved ones if the introduced ' ' have a favorable impression with each other on a friend' and then get married
Have you heard of "blind date"? Boys and girls do not know ' introduced by both parents or loved ones ' if favor each other ' friends ' and then get married