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必应词典 爱词霸 知识辞典 n词酷 中国译典 词都 CNKI词典


 0  11400  11408  11414  11418  11424  11426  11430  11436  11438  11444  11450  11454  11456  11460  11466  11468  11474  11478  11480  11484  11486  11490  11492  11494  11495  11496  11498  11499  11500  11502  11504  11508  11510  11514  11516  11520  11526  11528  11534  11538  11540  11544  11550  11556  11558  11564  11568  11570  11576  11580  11586  11594  11751  To investigate clinical efficacy and significance of gluteal muscle contracture release for the treatment of gluteal muscle contracture induced knee osteoarthritis. 体力劳动从广义上说就是用双手从事的劳动 她介绍的很清楚和详细 Sapphire blue 这两个钢笔质量差不多 培训中心建筑设计 森林大面积砍伐 Different swells the method and the household utensils, for being addicted to addition many pleasure Fondations en béton armé Reinforced concrete foundations Armiertes Betonfundament 我是一个有点内向的女生,有时有点优柔寡断,但我工作勤奋,认真负责,能吃苦耐劳,尽职尽责,有耐心。我定好一个目标,就会勇往直前,永不言放弃。 我积极参加各种社会实践活动和兼职工作,以增加自己的阅历,提高自己的能力。在工作中体会办事方式,锻炼口才和人际交往能力。 在平时学校生活中,做过很多兼职。如:发传单、酒楼服务员,亲身体会各种工作的不同运作程序和处事方法,锻炼成吃苦耐劳的精神,从工作中体会到乐趣,尽心尽力。 我的专业是工业设计,学习Photoshop,Coreldraw,FrontPage agree in writing arrangements for holidays, parental leave, retirement, etc. Everyone should know where they stand frm the beginning 车载电话按照功能划分为3部分: I still love agree in writing arrangements for holidays, parental leave, retirement, etc. Everyone should know where they stand from the beginning Different brewing methods and utensils, for added pleasure. 不同的冲泡方法和器皿,为品嗜者增添不少乐趣。 He keeps on working regardless of his illness Power Director 我的宝宝能接受那种奶粉 你喜欢和我们一起住在北京吗? 受话器、听筒和PTT按钮。 我爱你,跌跌撞撞到绝望 Graduation Certificate appeared and disappeared in a flash My baby will agree well with it 我很喜欢夏令营,希望能让我参加 Forecast input costs and expected return in an investment first, if the expected benefits outweigh the costs to put into production. ExxonMobil recorded strong results during the second quarter of 2011, while investing at a record level of over $10 billion to develop new supplies of energy to meet growing world demand. Second quarter earnings of $10.7 billion were up 41% from the second quarter of 2010, reflecting higher crude oi 作为整体上保持健康和安逸的城市生活的基本要素 品嗜者 Graduation Certificate of Full-time General High School in Anhui Province TRACTIONENGAGED in a flash Béton non armé Concrete base But we only have two English classes a week. Betonboden 得用信用卡而不是用现金支付。 几天没有见到您, 就象过了很长很长的时间。 请问,您又联系到新的工作了? 只要您喜欢, 就是非常好的事情, 我也为您高兴, 只是,要照顾好自己, 请不要太劳累。 the one after 你愿意帮助我吗 我是通過《Gossip Girl》認識你的 我买这件衣服的舞会,以及它是完美的!尺寸是准确的 如果我们做到这些,我认为我们就能够更加接近成功 I was through the" Gossip Girl" to know you 我们要学着在不利情况下尽量减少损失。 Reassures employees who stay on after the employer downsizes its workforce of employer’s good intentions. What a pity! 为了保暖他们不得不来回跑动 冬天你屋子里的温度是多少度啊 Needs temper. 春暖花开 21:31:24 Hi,good morning. robert53 21:31:16 how was work ? 春暖花开 21:31:49 robert53 21:31:57 good to hear 春暖花开 21:33:03 Because you do not like me,so I do not want to disturb you! robert53 21:33:06 I never said I didn't like you your not disturbing me you say we can be friends I agreed to this 春暖花开 21:34:07 Needless to say, I know! robert53 21:33:57 春暖花开 21:34:21 take care,bye! robert53 21:34:14 you not want to alk why you say this 春暖花开 21:34:46 robert53 21:34:38 春暖花开 21:34:56 robert53 21:35:00 春暖花开 21:35:24 Yor do not like me! robert53 21:35:33 I do like you 春暖花开 21:36:19 you do lie robert53 21:36:07 春暖花开 21:36:38 you will be 53, robert53 21:36:27 I told you I am 58 春暖花开 21:36:55