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必应词典 爱词霸 知识辞典 n词酷 中国译典 词都 CNKI词典


 0  11340  11348  11354  11358  11364  11366  11370  11376  11378  11384  11390  11394  11396  11400  11406  11408  11414  11418  11420  11424  11426  11430  11432  11434  11435  11436  11438  11439  11440  11442  11444  11448  11450  11454  11456  11460  11466  11468  11474  11478  11480  11484  11490  11496  11498  11504  11508  11510  11516  11520  11526  11534  11751  他の6点回答をご返事をお願い致します。 我们的专家指出 ? “仁”字的原始观念及儒学化 脚架(进口) 设计师很自由,各种东西都能激发灵感 restart game Some people treat。 see dt'l 导游从业资格证 transffer 付款的进度如何? What is the progress of payments? ? 天命观与中国文化 Helps prevent deposits and sludge build-up to enable long engine life Acceptable, some work needed in this area where item 3is betweens items 1 3分18齿 A rural life また6点回答をご返事をお願い致します。 冯さんは今会社に戻っていましたが、彼女に世話をしていただきありがとうございました。 设备用途及组成 reqiured Precise balance of performance additives 再见了单纯 - 小5 年少时我和你 说过的道理 你说靠自己 你说没有关系 长大了去回忆 我们相识在校园里 你的宿舍在我隔壁 善良体贴的你 如今我要告诉你 长大了的声音 回忆小时候 泥巴叠搭塔 拟出帅帅的木椅马 泥水布满全身再回家 怕见爸妈就到处藏 楚楚可怜就把头低了下 双手捂住怕打嘴巴 长大的代价 是纯真都融化 我在驾着飞车一个人 努力释放着压力没有停顿 如列车急奔下一程 我笑声渐变的奢侈再没有 是发自内心头的单纯 人是长大了 却满是疑问 校园生活和如今的日子 怎么比 怎么比 辛苦工作 生活要继续 身心 承受压力 不知道大家是否都有 这相似的经历 你永远是我朋友 比我自己更珍惜 我流的泪你从没有忘记 我犯的错你从来不会在意 和你齐心合力 就能天下无敌 年少的过去 把往事都回忆 成长了生活求福利 要把握好如今 奋斗了永远都是天晴 没有雨 说起活着的道理 我们都会回忆 知道我来自北京 不适应这里闷热的天气 坐着飞车一个人 找什么 找什么 寻找着单纯 却没用 却没用 已是过往了 已是过往了 已经太晚了 已经太晚了 已经回不去了 以后一定要好好努力,让你们都过上好日子 Outstanding thermal and oxidation stability High quality service due regard 销售经理也在德国出差有一个月了。 This paper presents a structured approach to grounded theory-building. It is aimed at ‘mode 2’ (Gibbons et al., 1994) management researchers, in particular those who analyse recollections of past events, often recorded in interview data, to develop explanations of management action. Two characteristics of mode 2 enquiry – transdisciplinarity and an emphasis on tacit knowledge – make grounded theory potentially attractive to mode 2 researchers. However, the approach offered here differs in two important ways from the much-cited universal grounded theory model originated by Glaser and Strauss (1967) and later proceduralized by Strauss and Corbin (1990). First, it acknowledges that the form of theories of management action which will satisfy the contemporary demands of mode 2 research is different from the form of integrated sociological theory for which the original grounded theory approach was developed. Second, it takes account of differences between the ontological assumptions underlying the use of retrospective 模拟器图册、模拟器清册、模拟器OEM手册 data for analysing management action, and those associated with participant observation, the pivotal strategy of grounded theory’s symbolic interactionist roots. The result is a simplified, more direct approach which works for the specific purpose of generating useful, consensually valid theory.