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必应词典 爱词霸 知识辞典 n词酷 中国译典 词都 CNKI词典


 0  11075  11083  11089  11093  11099  11101  11105  11111  11113  11119  11125  11129  11131  11135  11141  11143  11149  11153  11155  11159  11161  11165  11167  11169  11170  11171  11173  11174  11175  11177  11179  11183  11185  11189  11191  11195  11201  11203  11209  11213  11215  11219  11225  11231  11233  11239  11243  11245  11251  11255  11261  11269  11751  我们学校图书馆总有这样的事发生在我身上 曾经,也许可能。 中国政府禁止其公民有枪。政府相信枪不能保护公民,但是会造成更多困难。有枪由中国法律禁止。 完整的产品 increase publicity efforts to campus drug safety 中国政府禁止公民有枪。政府相信枪不能保护公民,但是会造成更多困难。有枪由中国法律禁止。 I put it on Happy English , for being discussed 表现得淋淋尽字 测试结果见图表 IBM's effort and the sub-cost exceeded the original estimation 睡觉前我看了书。 有无闪络放电现象. 你的哥哥喜欢和他的朋友玩吗? armen wood shavings cover the workbbench NDT 5238 PRC BLACK_METAL PROTO We trust they look terrifc on yard 经营活动产生的现金流量净额 测试结果如图表 被掩盖起来 对不起,我刚才去开了个会 最快的时间 为了确保网布的及时供应,我们需下新的订单 Mark referebce designator on or within approximately 1" of the connector факультет мониторинга окружающей среды 选择一件适合母亲的完美礼物是非常困难的 why does a person lose appetite when he is sick? because the body has to focus on healing itself. 根据季节性特点做好季节性预防工作 phosphate fertilizer cost report is the latest to be developed by CRU’s industryleading team of fertilizer analysts. Its consistent and transparent methodology allows for an independent industry-wide assessment of costs, across all levels of the phosphate value chain (i.e. rock through to fertilizer 考试成绩不理想 The report covers all key components of the production process, identifying plant-by-plant costs for the following variables 你是在恭维我 I d like to be everything you want Packing, Transportation and Storage. 考试成绩不好 考试成绩变坏 现代海马汽车售后服务站 请告诉我您需要的产品的数量.和发送货物时是走海运还是空运 为了保护你和他人 开车时应该记住以下几点 严格遵守交通规则 红灯停 绿灯行 不酒后驾车 不疲劳驾驶 开车途中不使用电话 如果人人都遵守交通规则 那么交通事 收回投资所收到的现金 Mega Head Start life is a bitch so learn to fuck it Sistemas C.V.C. surge por la necesidad de ofrecer servicio al cliente, con toda la seriedad y honradez que este merece 请告诉我您需要的产品的数量.和发送货物时是走海运还是空运,以便于我给您报最准确的运费价 很抱歉打搅您 他设法和你联系过吗 你们是有任务才出海吗? Jack detection return from front panel microphone JACK1 好,下面请大家随我一起去游览著名的归元禅寺 造成IBM工作量和成本超过了预期 What do you think about the application of present LED dimming technology? 衣服由特殊材料制成,能自动调节温度,并可随时改变成自己喜欢的颜色 REDUCING VALVE Increase the intensity against the illegal sale of prescription drugs 冷冻液补液及排放接头 This can significantly increase file size. Allocations In the case of bags, bundles and loose pieces, the shapes of which do not permit the marks to be put on the actual package, each bag, bundle or loose piece shall have two metal labels securely fastened to it. Each label being die-stamped with the above particulars. Each label must have two holes, pr God bless you with your examinations. 即使有剩菜,它的总量也不像西餐剩菜那样多,假使中西酒席的菜本来相-等的话。 Accurate non-contact torque measurement on rotating shafts. POS Sales 为发挥设备的最佳效能,本加工厂按24小时三班倒配置人员 tacky 什么时间合并服务器 现在是名退休教师 出水铁浓度 We will let you know the schedule tomorrow. 天天在大海上生活的人是不是心胸都特别豁达。 Paste Cure Many of the more common non-contact torque measuring schemes are difficult to implement in limited spaces, are electronic devices which are susceptible to environmental effects and require maintenance to maintain calibration. USE OR DISCLOSURE OF DATA CONTAINED ON THIS PAGE IS SUBJECT TO THE RESTRICTIONS ON THE TITLE PAGE OF THIS DOCUMENT. Are you under the age of majority in your respective state, province or territory of residence? 本文主要是通过基于Zigbee无线技术来实现无线控制的开关,通过控制手机或平板计算机上特定的软件进行控制的智能开关,从而实现对照明系统的控制 这就是花园之旅的开始吗? 构建固定资产,无形资产和其他长期资产所支付的现金 A torque measuring device should be compact in physical size, require no alignment procedure during installation and require no special on-aircraft physical calibration. 这个问题不能被无休止的拖延下去 关于剩余的订单,我们都是重新制作毛细管,因为比以前的规格要求严格, 所以不良率还不清楚。 心电图检查师 其作品中充斥着各式各样的悲剧性形象,无论是在男权社会中身份卑微的妇女,亦或是男子本身,都被张爱玲赋予了一种悲凉、脆弱的悲剧色彩。 Quality Braided for Strong Reinforcement of Strength and Durability removing or partly counteracting the effects of its previous history The online environment makes instructors more appoachable This field will be activated if Sales and Catering license id turned on. This field is used to define the catering status of the business block. 因此客户对该模块的不满意.因此需要增加工作量和成本 wt% acid concentration Gutzler 关于剩余的订单,我们需要制作新的毛细管,因为比以前的规格要求严格, Ratings, characteristics, tests and test procedures, etc. for the electrical equipment encompassed by this specification shall comply with the provisions and requirements of the Recommendations of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), unless otherwise expressly stated in Section VI-II Inner Hose Material: CPE Synthetic Material Tubing Accounts closed during the year to confirmation date 那个女孩养成了阅读是玩弄头发的习惯 一个人的生命究竟有多大意义,这有什么标准可以衡量吗?提出一个绝对的标准当然很困难,但是大体上看一个人对待生命的态度是否严肃认真,看他对待劳动,工作等等的态度如何,也就不难对这个人的存在意义做出适应估计了,古来一切又成就的人,都很严肃地对待自己的生命,当他活着一天,总要尽量多劳动,多工作,多学习,不肯虚度年华,不让时间白白地浪费掉,我国历代的劳动人民以及大政治家,大思想家等等,都莫不如此。 为了保障自身及客户的信息安全 那个女孩养成了阅读时玩弄头发的习惯 Maximized Resistance to Heat, Corrosion and Abrasion 燃烧两种性质差异很大的煤