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必应词典 爱词霸 知识辞典 n词酷 中国译典 词都 CNKI词典


 0  10635  10643  10649  10653  10659  10661  10665  10671  10673  10679  10685  10689  10691  10695  10701  10703  10709  10713  10715  10719  10721  10725  10727  10729  10730  10731  10733  10734  10735  10737  10739  10743  10745  10749  10751  10755  10761  10763  10769  10773  10775  10779  10785  10791  10793  10799  10803  10805  10811  10815  10821  10829  11751  In transient analysis deterministic approach is adopted, with a simplified problem statement 起升机构:检查钢丝绳是否完好,如有断丝磨损,应按技术规范要求予以更换;检查吊钩、滑轮有无裂纹和严重磨损;检查调整制动器及限位装置,要求安全、灵敏、可靠 Is only the custom he refused to take the hand I extended in friendship Portable Job TicketをPDF内に保存 当。。。时候 when you coming back i only eat a banana last nite and 1 coffee ice cream, that's why i cannot sleep, i think 你要去哪里玩啊 赵院长 描述了农村姑娘嘉莉来到大城市芝加哥寻找幸福 由;放 以前很少写关于这些的作文。 昆明(昆明长江食化) 单位成本 もむゎゎ[偷笑] 行車輔助、人工操作 那个老师对学生是如此的严厉,以至于。。。 你们银行发更正函给我们银行了吗 那里的 孩子们期待被父母带到公园玩 突出问题 子供食べる 堆肥化装置 把赠品按销售来统计,但未计入客户系统 我们的媒体对他们很钟情 以上就是校车规则 为摆脱贫困,出卖自己的贞操,后又凭美貌与歌喉成为歌星的故事 10000 zloty 一张球赛门票 弯管厂现场防火条幅悬挂不标准, 玛碲脂贴 你很漂亮!很有气质! 女人在家庭里没地位 at the expense of Seven clients consist of four New clients and three clients who already worked with cerep. 向我道歉 外露 What changes in MIS curricula need to take place to prepare an MIS per- son for the type of thinking exemplified above? Boats cracked during overload testing at shipyard. Boats were not tested at manufacturer according new requirements. Misunderstanding on the implementation date Vestibulum Iaculis Lacinia Est Eget Tellu 我叫李华 今年19岁 我不能与你一起去北京旅游 希望中小学生遵守校车规则 However, cost centres create incentives for managers to under fund their units in order to benefit themselves, and this underfunding may result in adverse consequences for the company as a whole 今時古い 我叫李华 今年19岁 性格开朗 沉稳 我很想念你们 operaing voltage 筹备一个生日聚会 生我的气 与我表弟打架 质量技术监督局 Scrapping of stock outside the normal reported yields 我们销售经理在开会R : Mercer 国际,早上好。 Mercer International. Good morning. C :早上好。我可以和你们的销售经理通话吗? Good morning. Can I speak to your sales manager, please? R :当然可以。请问您是哪位? Yes, sure. Who's calling please? C :约翰 · 怀特。 John White. R :请稍等。不好意思,埃里森先生正在通话中。您愿意等会儿吗? Just one moment, please. I'm afraid Mr. Alison is on another line at the moment. Would you like to hold? C :好的,谢谢。 Yes, please. R: I'm afraid Mr. Alison's line is still busy. Would you like to speak to his assistant, May Brown? 不好意思,埃里森先生还在通话中。您愿意与他的助手梅 · 布朗通话吗? C :好的。 R :稍等,我给您接通电话。 Hold on, I'll connect you. S :我是梅 · 布朗。需要什么帮助? I'm May Brown, how can I help you? C :我可以给埃里森先生留言吗? Can l leave a message for Mr. Alison, please? S :当然可以。 C :请您转告他给 R.S.O 公司的约翰 · 怀特回个电话,好吗?他有我的号码。 Would you tell him to call John White at R.S.O Company, please? He has my number. S :谢谢您,怀特先生。我会把您的留言尽快告诉他的。再见。 Thank you. Mr. White. I'll make sure that he gets that message as soon as possible. Goodbye. 其实我们想列举的这些是想说明下面几个问题 到底怎样才好,或许只有自己知道。 Aenean nonummy hendrerit Select phobia ordel missing ';' before 'type' if you don't want me ring you, please let me know mer veill eux Obviously, it is high time that we took some measures to solve the problem. 代码被修复 垂直循環方式立体駐車装置 сердечная недостаточность 为纪念他 加工工艺台 Pure Ductal Carcinoma in Situ: Kinetic and Morphologic MR Characteristics Compared with Mammographic Appearance and Nuclear Grade 印刷的参数和实际有差异