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必应词典 爱词霸 知识辞典 n词酷 中国译典 词都 CNKI词典


 0  9991  9999  10005  10009  10015  10017  10021  10027  10029  10035  10041  10045  10047  10051  10057  10059  10065  10069  10071  10075  10077  10081  10083  10085  10086  10087  10089  10090  10091  10093  10095  10099  10101  10105  10107  10111  10117  10119  10125  10129  10131  10135  10141  10147  10149  10155  10159  10161  10167  10171  10177  10185  11751  it should have been said to him bu his own daughter 双磁控“声闸”隔声门就是门和门框都采用双台阶隔声,并安装永磁密封条,既让门易开关且不影响隔声性能,其次我们在门轴上也作了特殊处理,隔声门相对较重,我们除了加固连接外,我们还安装上轴承让门可以180°自由轻巧地开关,同时保证隔声性能,并且不磨损门轴,保证使用十年以上。 而且我是很随意的拍的 希望我们在以后合作愉快 臭宝贝 我昨天终于买到了一辆称心的赛车 其次,如果中国购买相关危及国家的债权,还面临巨大的贬值,减值和违约风险。例如欧盟近期制定的救助方案中,对希腊债实施减记50%就直接意味持有希腊债权的债权直接缩水一半。 建立新的更合理公平的户籍制度 it is unwise to show off your greater knowledge in front of the director 我随便 酒喝太多了伤身体 The whale is 大家有钱了 内部的一种相互促进 一起创业 我只想踏踏实实过好每一天 这间医院是为了纪念孙中山而建的。万圣节。她的相貌令他想起他亲爱的母亲。他母亲多年前己经去世。 在受别人帮助中,学会了帮助别人 我能看的到你吗 我很喜欢这部里的角色嘉丽。 on standoff on standoff by We have alreadythree aluminum couplers put into the packing box, 这间医院是为了纪念孙中山而建的。万圣节。她的相貌令他想起他亲爱的母亲。他母亲多年前己经去退 Britain's air must be very good Because there are so many trees and grass 请把你的包给我看看 杰克坚持认为这些画可以追溯到石器时代 Call me when you get it through and I'll pick you up at your work place. 等静压 naso laryngo scope hummy but you can answer ... with SMS ... or you can write SMS? We already have three aluminum couplers put into the packing box, A blue whale weights more than a hundred tons Release of oxygen Air purification 知性美、修养好、素质高、举手投足优雅淡然等等 你永远不知道你可以做什么,直到你尝试 The air is generally very good in Uk....but especially in country areas like this and not other person or even a boy 感谢你的信息 Do you take holidays 我想睡觉了,头很疼 有胆就别跑 看着那些我们的照片 moral tale 这是因为人们心中缺少爱 他喜欢学习 tell me if do i look sexy on that video? ;)? 他有自己想法 这段时间我很忙 家里在装修 手机上网偶然看到你 可是不会英文呢 arkus 21:38:11 but I want buy a card .... with this card, I can call you ... only 0.012 Euro per minute. Markus 21:38:12 Sunflower 21:38:23 Markus 21:38:25 0,12 Yuan per minute 绿色植物 在你的支持下 Getting up early is good for your health seen like 需要锻炼 has become huge. 儒释道 in the table 我不能一直都保持很好。 别得意 hmm im gettin bored? The Reactor Core is designed to generate the required thermal output. The core provides a flow path for the forced circulation of coolant to remove heat by the core under all power operating conditions, and for the removal of decay heat by natural or forced circulation under shutdown conditions. The 请帮我扫描一下 primary risk factor 他变得很努力和自信。 天使的心跳 i made for my beloved one 你向你的父母道歉了吗 The attached device has a backup password set.You need to disable the backup password in iTunes before you can continue. Start iTunes,remove the backup password abd start this Program again 家族继承人与职业经理人的两难选择 他的名字叫rak, you see? around 40 kgs .... you said, that?s okay .... but also now, your weight .... 49 kgs .... perfect! engage in tax noncompliance 消声室内吸声器件的设计直接关系到室内自由场精度及满足精度要求的自由场范围,是消声室设计中最为重要的一环,通常的消声室吸声器件的结构形式采用劈型吸声体。吸声材料选用进口环保型超细高发泡率纤维,根据吸声要求不同表面蜂窝吸声吸大小深度不同,并且具有阻燃,无毒等特性。阻燃等级B1级。 We must take some immediate and effective measures to control it 在西洋乐器的制造材料中随处可见木材的“身影”。木材独特的机械和声学性能及其天然花纹的美感,使它成为音乐厅内部装饰材料的首选。外国专家通过试验,从几百种用于制造管弦乐器和打击乐器的木材中,寻找到和确定每种乐器的最佳制造材料。使用科学的方法,测量木材的传声速度、特性阻抗、声辐射系数和损失系数等指标,确定出云杉是制造音板的最佳材料,热带树种适宜制造木管乐器和木琴,角树和桦树适用于钢琴。 没关系,不相信就不相信吧 your figure ... your weight, your tall ... 49 kgs, 160 cm .... perfect! 在最后一年 中国大律师 他虽然听了老师的劝告,但他还是不幸的死去了。 why do you learn English ? 这段时间因为很多客人的样品需要制作 community serv 读《红与黑》是一段太过漫长的过程,因为时间已给了作家和作品最无私而又公正的评判。 is getting what you want; happiness is wanting what you get. 年龄大了,不代表我们就老了,心态是很重要的 The end caps are welded to the cladding tubes by an exclusive ABB-CE process involving magnetic force welding. This process has the advantage of producing a high degree of leak tightness. There are no gas bubbles, as may be found in more conventional methods of ----------could lead to weld porosity  他的文风丝毫也不矫揉造作 没有一个人帮助她 I was looking at that hotel again today It is so nice